Your CV is the first point of contact with a desirable employer. It is an opportunity to sell yourself, to get yourself noticed and above all, to make sure any potential door is not closed to you. With this in mind we’ve sourced a comprehensive list of powerful action verbs and phrases for you to include in your next CV revision to ensure you get the notice you deserve. We do recommend that you vary the words used and pick those which are most suited to your achievements and skills.
Ensure your CV stands out
1) If you led a project, consider saying:
- Chaired
- Controlled
- Coordinated
- Executed
- Headed
- Operated
- Orchestrated
- Organised
- Oversaw
- Planned
- Produced
2) If you developed, created or brought a product to life try saying:
- Charted
- Created
- Designed
- Developed
- Devised
- Founded
- Engineered
- Established
- Formed
- Formulated
- Implemented
- Incorporated
- Initiated
- Instituted
- Introduced
- Launched
- Pioneered
- Spearheaded
3) If you saved company resources (time or money) to show your cost-effectivity results try using:
- Conserved
- Consolidated
- Decreased
- Deducted
- Diagnosed
- Lessened
- Reconciled
- Reduced
- Yielded
4) If you have increased efficiency, revenue or have driven a better online customer experience consider:
- Accelerated
- Achieved
- Advanced
- Amplified
- Boosted
- Capitalised
- Delivered
- Enhanced
- Expanded
- Expedited
- Furthered
- Gained
- Generated
- Improved
- Lifted
- Maximised
- Outpaced
- Stimulated
- Sustained
5) If you’ve changed or improved a function to benefit the organisation, use verbs such as:
- Centralised
- Clarified
- Converted
- Customised
- Influenced
- Integrated
- Merged
- Modified
- Overhauled
- Redesigned
- Refined
- Refocused
- Rehabilitated
- Remodeled
- Reorganised
- Replaced
- Restructured
- Revamped
- Revitalised
- Simplified
- Standardised
- Streamlined
- Strengthened
- Updated
- Upgraded
- Transformed
6) If you’ve successfully grown and managed a team show what an inspirational leader you were, with terms like:
- Aligned
- Cultivated
- Directed
- Enabled
- Facilitated
- Fostered
- Guided
- Hired
- Inspired
- Mentored
- Mobilised
- Motivated
- Recruited
- Regulated
- Shaped
- Supervised
- Taught
- Trained
- Unified
- United
7) If you’ve brought in partners, funding, or resources use terms like:
- Acquired
- Forged
- Navigated
- Negotiated
- Partnered
- Secured
8) If you are an analytics or research expert mix up your verbiage with the following words:
- Analysed
- Assembled
- Assessed
- Audited
- Calculated
- Discovered
- Evaluated
- Examined
- Explored
- Forecasted
- Identified
- Interpreted
- Investigated
- Mapped
- Measured
- Qualified
- Quantified
- Surveyed
- Tested
- Tracked
9) If you wrote or were responsible for content creation or social media communications explain how compelling you were with words such as:
- Authored
- Briefed
- Campaigned
- Co-authored
- Composed
- Conveyed
- Convinced
- Corresponded
- Counseled
- Critiqued
- Defined
- Documented
- Edited
- Illustrated
- Persuaded
- Promoted
- Publicised
- Reviewed
10) If you oversaw or regulated your department’s requests, describe what you really did with these words:
- Authorised
- Blocked
- Delegated
- Dispatched
- Enforced
- Ensured
- Inspected
- Itemised
- Monitored
- Screened
- Scrutinised
- Verified
Remember, your CV is about bringing you and your experience to life, so use powerful descriptions backed with examples wherever possible to help the potential employer visualise your presence and contribution within his or her team.
We at Intelligent People are here to help you with your job search. Contact us or submit your CV to us directly, and we will be in touch to help.