Finding and successfully interviewing for a new job can be a difficult process, with plenty of obstacles to overcome; many of which we unknowingly create for ourselves by making common job search mistakes throughout our journey.

Common job search mistakes

We see these 6 job search mistakes happen frequently.

Are there typos in your applications?

We’re only human and we all make mistakes, but you really should try your best to ensure any applications or CVs you send out during your job search are free from typos.

Apps like Grammarly are able to check your spelling and grammar across a range of online and offline platforms – perfect for CV crafting, portfolio creating and application writing – making it easy to eliminate this job search mistake completely.

Are you forgetting to tailor your CV? 

It would be great if every CV you sent out was snapped up straight away, but in reality, the most desirable roles receive hundreds of applications. This means your CV needs to make an instant impression and directly appeal to the employer to have any chance of landing you an interview.

You might struggle to make an impact if you fail to tailor your CV to each position you apply for.

Follow these 5 steps and start tailoring your CV now

Are you limiting your search to glamourous roles?

While it might be tempting to apply exclusively for glamourous roles at popular companies, it could be difficult to make an impact at a large organisation that already has an established strategy and knows what works for them.

If you’re in the early stages of your career or want to take make a step-up, finding somewhere that will welcome new ideas and experimentation may prove to be more beneficial.

We’re not suggesting that you don’t apply for your dream job if the opportunity presents itself, but just keep an open mind!

Are you neglecting your LinkedIn profile?

It’s important to keep your LinkedIn profile up to date so it reflects where you are right now in your career, and where you want to go next.

An optimised profile will not only help you gain credibility from recruiters or employers when they check out your page, but it will also increase your chances of being found for relevant job opportunities you might otherwise miss out on during your search.

Read our list of 6 things recruiters want to see on your LinkedIn profile

Are you avoiding recruiters?

People often have mixed opinions when it comes to using recruitment agencies, but we like to think our team at Intelligent People does all they can to make your job search more enjoyable and ultimately, successful!

We can help you perfect your CV, keep you in the loop on the latest opportunities and even give you tips and guidance on the questions you might get asked at interviews.

Are you searching in silence?

Your job search doesn’t have to be a lonely experience. Keep friends updated on your progress and reach out to your professional network for inspiration, advice and suggestions on how they stayed confident throughout transitional periods in their careers.

You can also grow your professional network while job searching by attending events that bring together industry leaders and aficionados from the digital and tech community.

We know that it might not always be possible to be so open about your search for a new job though, especially if you’re currently employed, so here are 7 tips to help you keep your search discreet.

Are you skipping the research stage?

You receive an invitation to interview for your dream job – result! Now the work really begins.

Your interviewer won’t ask you to recite the entire history of their company from memory, but they will expect you to have an understanding of what they do. Failing to do any research is one of the biggest mistakes you can make.

Read key website pages such as ‘About Us’, keep revisiting the job description and take notes until you’re able to explain the business and vacancy to a friend.

If you’re looking for a new role, search our latest jobs or contact us at Intelligent People today. We’d love to hear from you and help you find your next position.

job search mistake